Sutton Place Apartments
1221 Minor Avenue
Walk back to Minor and continue north. The mid-century modern Sutton Place was constructed in 1960 and represents the massive growth happening in post-World War II Seattle. Affectionately known as the “Purple Palace” because of its cladding in variegated lavender mosaic, it’s an International Style composition of glass, aluminum and tile designed by architect Donald N. McDonald.
In the vicinity:
Other mid- to late 20th Century apartment buildings are visible from this corner.
The PANORAMA HOUSE APARTMENTS (1100 University Street) were constructed about the same time as Sutton Place. The building was designed by Russian immigrant and U.W. graduate George Bolotin, who designed apartments throughout the western U.S. in the 1950s and 1960s.
KELLEHER HOUSE (1120 Spring Street at Minor) was constructed in 1982 following demolition of the ca. 1900 home of Daniel Kelleher, a lawyer, and his wife Elise. Kelleher served as chairman of the board of Seattle National Bank, which would later become SeaFirst Bank, the largest in the state. A beautiful heritage tree (Schwedler Norway Maple) graces the property on the west edge. Another heritage tree on the same block—a striking Sycamore Maple—is located on the south side yard of the PARKVIEW PLAZA building (1101 Seneca Street, built in 1981).